This is what I wrote 1095 days ago:
Doing well. We’re on day -4. Four more days to reach DAY ZERO. Day Zero is the day that stem cells are infused through the central venous line. He will most likely receive the cells between early afternoon and night of Friday Oct. 29th. His ANC today was 2,460, a little higher than yesterday. We expect low blood counts in about a week. Dr. Nicholas Haining and Melissa O’Connor, residents and fellows came into the room at about 8:30 AM on doctors rounds. Dr. Haining is a straight forward doctor, and maybe that’s why Andy likes him. We commented about Andy’s constipation and about Sofia’s appointment. He checked Andy’s mouth and felt his stomach. Andy received his first dose of the second type of chemo, cyclophosphamide at around 10:30 AM. Andy’s still constipated.. 7 days now. He’s getting Miralax and Senna. We’re trying to reach Dr. Samuel Nurko, motility expert, who knows Andy well. Andy only drank 8 oz. of his formula today, this is due to the following: a) He’s getting a lot of IV fluids to cover side effects of the chemo today so he’s not thirsty or hungry. b) He’s constipated because of the calcium (Tums) he’s getting to cover side effects of the CMV antiviral he’s getting. c) He has some nausea, side effect of the chemo. Andy’s weight today 17.7 kg in the morning and 17.6 kg in the afternoon. They’re checking his weight twice a day for some chemo calculations. This is our 36th day in the hospital, clinical assistants measure Andy’s vital signs every four hours. This means that since we arrived here on Sept. 20th. he’s had his vital signs checked at least 200 times, these are blood pressure, temperature and oxigen. Andy had a bath at around 6:00 PM. His central line looks OK. Sofia came in at 11:30, Sheri Barnett, Nurse Practitioner did the interview at the Pre-Operative Clinic at Children’s Hospital Boston.
. Grandma Lupia and Marilu stayed with Andy in his room while Paulina and I took Sofia to the clinic.
I had the chance to spend some time with Sofia at the Patient Entretainment Center at Children’s. She’s great, she starts dancing everytime she hears music or any rithmic sound. Her smile is my energy recharger!! Today’s visits included: – Mrs. Whalen visited at 9:30 AM. Thank you for the computer games, books and magazines! – Karen Fraser who we know from when we first arrived to Children’s; from 7E visited today. – Baldwin the Eagle visited Andy today! (he just stood by the door) and a Boston College Football player and a swimmer. Baldwin looked much more shorter today than on his previous visit. – Hospital Volunteers.