This is what I wrote 1095 days ago:
Doing well. This update comes when Andy has received 3 doses of chemo out of 20 (16 of busulfan and 4 of the other) according to the original stem cell transplant plan. He will receive 4 days of chemo of one type, then one day of rest, 4 days of chemo of another type and receive Sofia’s cells on October 29th. Andy will receive new cells at 1994 days old. He will receive new cells on his 542 day in the hospital.
This is a picture of the pump used to infuse the chemo:
The original plan changed because of the positive CMV antigen. Special attention is taken to CMV and he’s on Foscarnet and CMV specific gammaglobulin. He also receives other medications through his central line to prevent nausea and other side effects. He needs to be connected to the pumps 24 hours a day due to all that’s he’s getting. Andy has a double lumen central line that is working well. One port is red and the other is white. He takes excellent care of his central line, he’s careful not to pull it. The chemo (busulfan) is using the red lumen and blood is drawn from the white lumen. Sometimes he needs to lay down on his side or raise his arms to start the flow when blood is needed. His apetite remains the same, he’s drinking 1.4 liters of Neocate Pediatric EO 28. Andy had a bath today, a wet towel on his upper body and water/soap in his lower body. We use the bathroom sink. Sofia is doing well. She’s not allowed to enter the Stem Cell Transplant Unit. This means that Sofia and Andy may not be able to see each other in about one month and a half. Sofia will become a stem cell donor when she’s 230 days old. Dr. Nicholas Haining who’s our Attending Physician came by in the morning. Andy really likes him, and that’s very good news. Take into consideration that Andy has met at least 150 doctors in 1985 days. ATF