Last Saturday we attended the Jimmy Fund Winter Festival.
The Jimmy Fund [website] invites patients and their families to a big party with music, food, children’s games and gifts. The event took place at the Newton Marriot Hotel.
The highlight of the festival is the arrival of Santa and his Elves. All the children sit on Santa’s lap (and some parents too!), chat with him and take a picture. There must have been more than 250 children in the event.
Andy and Sofia couldnt wait long to go meet Santa… we waited in line very excited.
Santa and his elves looked familiar…
Santa had an incredible resemblance with Dr. Holcombe Grier! [website] He’s the Clinical Director, Pediatric Oncology at Dana-Farber, he’s also a member of the Pediatric Patient and Family Advisory Council at Dana-Farber where Paulina and I participate since April this year. And his elves also looked familiar, they looked like doctors, fellows and nurses we know from Children’s Hospital and Dana-Farber.
Could this be true?
But it can’t be!
Santa has a double identity? During winter he takes care of the Santa stuff and when it’s not cold outside he helps children with cancer? Santa is busy.
One thing I know, I’m sure that after the event Santa needed a pump like this one for his legs.
Morphine pump.
He had more than 250 children and sometimes parents sitting on his lap!
A very important Santa
Category: Family & Friends