My Dad wrote a very inspiring letter to his school, St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy back in December. The school invited him to talk about Andy & Sofia.
His talk took place at the school’s chapel on January 27th. All the school was there…
Here are some bulletpoints of his speech:
The family carried on! There were times, when all resources had been
exhausted, that Heaven seemed to be deaf, but we prayed hard… Looking
back, we never lacked anything to carry us through every day for over six
Years now. Whatever was needed, it appeared just in time and we discovered
that Someone always knows what to do at all times…We witnessed a miracle
and an extraordinary scientific achievement; we committed and gambled for
Life and at the end won!
We never lost our will to play hard; we have had very happy Christmases,
birthdays and other holidays in hospitals. During Andy’s chemotherapy and
thereafter the stem cell transplant,
“Extreme parenthood” is what Andres and Paulina called these very trying times. Anxiety, stress, anger, fear, panic; were always present and beaten… ANDY now 6 years old, has spend a little more than 675 hospital nights, some of them horrifying!
Remember the game is not over until the whistle blows… There seemed
not to be a solution…
The family had to face a very complex cross-border situation at the limits of science and even at times in the presence of some unfortunate opposition from very conservative quarters in Mexico and the USA, but again our commitment and gamble for life has opened new inroads into the unknown for the benefit of many others.
Andres and Paulina, wish the whole world to know about all the doctors, researchers, nurses, technicians who took care of Andy and who succeeded in helping him live a normal life, ANDY is now cured and leading his life as if nothing had happened. Andres’ diary is going to be turned into a book with the help of an editor.
And again, you can also always cope: when you work hard, when
you pray hard and when you do not forget to play hard..!
These principles lead you to become aware of how your worst nightmares
turn into your best dreams. Then you discover hope and you become aware
of how hope is only a waking dream that leads you to action.
And here are some pictures I borrowed from website:
More pictures via Shutterfly here.
SJNMA website here.