Hi, guys. Thank you for spending so much time with us yesterday and for sharing your story. I hope it helps raise money for the Manton Center and for other kids like Andy. The piece will air for the first time on NECN tonight during the 9pm news. It will repeat at 10pm and again on the news at noon and 1pm tomorrow. About 20-30 minutes after it airs on television, it will be available on the web. NECN.com. If you don’t see it on the landing page, scroll down about half way and look on the right hand side for the grey section of the search bar and plug in Ally Donnelly. My recent stories will pop up and you should see Andy and Sofia. Ally
ALLY DONNELLY Ally Donnelly is a two time Emmy, two time Gabriel, Edward R. Murrow, Associated Press and Freddie Award-winning journalist. She covers health and science issues for NECN and is the featured reporter on Health Week with Karen Swensen. On Fridays, Ally also anchors News Day Live with Chet Curtis as well as Worcester News Tonight. A native of Chicago, Ally moved to Boston after earning her degree in journalism from Marquette University. She began her career as a Public Affairs Officer for Children’s Hospital, Boston. She later moved up the ranks to become editor of WHERE Boston Magazine. Ally’s television career launched at WPRI in Providence, RI. She began working for NECN as a freelance reporter in 1999 and joined the news station full time in 2004. In addition to medical issues, she has covered everything from the Rhode Island nightclub fire to the Catholic Church sexual abuse crisis to the Big Dig Tunnel collapse. Ally and her husband Patrick live on the South Shore of Boston.