Andy asked me today about tsunamis. I explained to Andy that tsunamis are very large waves formed by an underwater earthquake.
Then he asked, ‘Do they reach the sky?’, and I said, ‘no, they don’t reach the sky but they’re about 6 times my size and very fast’. I told him about Sundays tragedy and we both agreed to pray for the people who were affected.
Then he asked, ‘What about Shamu?’, so I explained that Shamu lives in a tank, and Andy felt relief.
I showed him the following pictures:
The best blog I’ve seen covering the tsunami is here.
Andy and Sofia’s first experience with waves was on 8.8.04 in Cape Cod, a picture here.
The amount of generosity I’ve seen towards the victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami has been inspiring. and the Amazon Honor System is accepting donations to the American Red Cross. They’ve gathered US$6,545,595.40 from 99,335 donors at 9:30 PM EST. (Andy also has a Amazon Honor System that’s collected US$280.00 from 7 donors.)
If you would like to make a donation to the tsunami victims Google has a list of links here.