3653 days can be converted to one of these units: 315,619,200 seconds 5,260,320 minutes 87,672 hours 521 weeks (rounded down)
Author: Andres Trevino
Understanding Embryonic Stem Cells Part 5 of 6
Understanding Embryonic Stem Cells Part 4 of 6
Understanding Embryonic Stem Cells Part 3 of 6
Understanding Embryonic Stem Cells Part 2 of 6
Understanding Embryonic Stem Cells Part 1 of 6
I will teach at Harvard today!
I was invited by Janet Porter, COO of Dana Farber to teach about patient decision making at Harvard. The course is HSPH Marketing Course. This graduate level course has 30 students in it. They come from all over the world to earn their MHA in the School of Public Health. The first two weeks of the course…
“True intelligence operates silently. Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found.”
“True intelligence operates silently. Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found.”~Eckhart Tolle
Mr. Trevino do most people like hot peppers?
Mr. Dinmore who is Andy’s teacher invited me to his classroom for an interview about Mexico last Friday. I had a lot of fun! Andy’s second grade classmates asked a lot of good questions. Today I received thank you notes from the students and some of them say: “Aztec stadium must look huge! I did not know Mexico…
Advocating For your Child’s Learning Needs: Through Treatment and Beyond
Andy didnt have cancer but he did receive a lot of medications including chemo. He has trouble with numbers and math. This talk is very helpful. Advocating For Your Child’s Learning Needs: Through Treatment and Beyond < ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> This program featured Daniel Armstrong, PhD, professor & associate chair, Department…