COOL! Just like a lizard’s tail… It’s true, this is the holy grail of medicine. And we got to see a glimpse of it with Andy & Sofia. Medicine’s Cutting Edge: Re-Growing Organs(CBS) Imagine re-growing a severed fingertip, or creating an organ in the lab that can be transplanted into a patient without risk of…
Author: Andres Trevino
Reuters: Cloned cells treat Parkinson’s in mice
By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor WASHINGTON, March 23 (Reuters) – Researchers who used cloned embryonic stem cells to treat Parkinson’s disease in mice said on Sunday they worked better than other cells. The researchers were trying to prove that it is possible to make embryonic stem cells using cloning technology and use…
Bodymaps – COOL!
Via AFP: Australian parents sue over IVF son: report
Strange.. Tough luck… I wonder if they are also suing their parents for having them?And their grandparents for giving birth to their parents who gave birth to them? SYDNEY (AFP) — An Australian couple who used IVF to conceive a daughter to avoid passing on an incurable disease which only affects males are suing their doctors after…
Spelling with Sheep
From the UK Daily Mail, Sheepdogs are trained to obey their master’s every word. So when farmer David Kennard decided one of those words would be “Spring”, his dogs did not hesitate. Link
Andy song to Sofia
Andy wrote this song to Sofia today, “Right Sister nit, I love y but some tims we fiht but when you cry I feel bad. And when you are happy I like it too.Dedacaded to Sofia _Song”
Rabbit massage
Merulas fermenting in their tummies
I remember watching this a long time ago.
Andy Treviño’s Facebook profile
Maura & Anne Marie at Andy’s school
Maura & Anne Marie are nurses at Six West, the stem cell transplant unit at Children’s Hospital Boston. They visited Andy’s school last Tuesday March 11 to talk to his classmates about his transplant. It was a great presentation. Thank you Maura & Anne Marie! Andy feels more confident. Andy’s teacher reminded me that I’m…