This via MIT Technology Review. Generate cells using parthenogenesis, a form of asexual reproduction in which an embryo can develop without fertilization. Parthenogenesis occurs naturally in some plants and vertebrates, but not in mammals. However, scientists can trick mammalian eggs into undergoing parthenogenesis by activating the egg as if it had been fertilized. To date,…
Author: Andres Trevino
5.75 miles
I ran 5.75 miles today. Here is the route. The 111th edition of the Boston Marathon will be very special. This year Mark Porter will run the marathon again teamed up with Andy. More information at: Mark is a cancer survivor and last year he ran his first marathon. He liked it so much…
3.93 miles
I ran 3.93 miles today.
8 miles
I ran 8 miles today. Here is the route. Time 1:14
6 miles
I ran 6 miles today, And I thought about Jacob who received his stem cells today. His Dad said: The bone marrow cells arrived in an infusion bag and were a bright, vibrant, Christmas red….Now we’re into the magical 30 days when the cells begin to grow – he still has the mouth sores and…
4 miles
I ran 4 miles today. Here is the route. While running I thought about Simon. I hope that the chemo therapy only does whats intended to do. I hope that medical research finds a way to substitute defective or malformed cells with treatments and procedures that are not as agressive. More about Simon here.
10 miles!
I ran 10 miles for the first time in my life today! Here is the route. It took me 1 hour and 39 min. It was 9.9 min per mile.. And I reached the summit of “heatbreak hill”. It was not that bad.. While running I thought about Andy’s first primary nurse at Children’s Hospital…
Marathon Training
Today I ran 4.1997 miles in 34 minutes (Route via Gmaps Pedometer) I’m trying to reach “heartbreak hill”. When Sofia saw me with the thermal underwear, shorts and a bandana covering my bald head she said, “que guapo!” That helps!! While running I thought about Officer Settles. He’s the first person we saw at Children’s…
Running the Marathon!
Mark is running the marathon. Victor is running the marathon. I’m running the marathon. In exactly one hundred and forty five days from today the oldest annual marathon will take place here in Boston. One of the world’s most prestigious road racing events. Twenty six point two miles (42 km) from Hopkington to Copley Square…
Dr. Mark Hughes – A honorable man
There was an article today at a United Kingdom newspaper regarding “designer babies”, also known as pre implatation genetic diagnosis (the procedure we used to find Sofia..). The title of the article: “Outcry as clinic offers ‘designer baby’ embryo screening for 200 diseases” By Jenny Hope Daily Mail I received an email with a link…