Author: Andres Trevino
Javier y Patricia Aja
Javier y Patricia Aja, Les mandamos todo nuestro cariño. No hay nada que pueda yo decir para remediar la perdida pero queremos que sepan que estamos pensando mucho en ustedes. Deseamos que sus Amigos y Familia los apapachen muchisimo! Hay mucho por hacer y espero conocerlos en persona pronto. Andrés L. Treviño
How stem cells can turn back the biological clock @ The Guardian
Boost the levels of a gene called NANOG inside a embryonic stem cell, fuse it with a brain cell and the brain cell converts into a stem cell. The researchers believe that Nanog, alongside other genes, kicks into action a cascade of complex biological machinery that forces cells back into their simplest state, before they…
Technology Review / MIT & Fresh Eggs
Lack of Human Eggs Could Hamper US Cloning Efforts Researchers want to make patient-matched stem cells, but success could depend on gaining a reliable source of human eggs. …Unlike other embryonic stem cell research, these experiments require unfertilized human eggs. The egg donation procedure is uncomfortable, potentially painful, and carries some medical risk. Women must…
Orange Lab making headway on NEMO projects!
Dr. Jordan S. Orange said today, The lab is very busy – Making some headway on the NEMO projects. We have successfully subcloned a number of different NEMO mutations found in disease to try and learn more about how they specifically impair NF-kB function. More about Orange Lab here.
French report successful NEMO stem cell transplant
From the Pediatrics Journal, published today: Successful Allogeneic Hemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in a Child Who Had Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia With Immunodeficiency Sophie Dupuis-Girod, MDa,b, Caterina Cancrini, MD, PhDc, Françoise Le Deist , MD, PhDd,1, Paolo Palma, MDc, Christine Bodemer, MDe, Anne Puel, PhDf, Susanna Livadiotti, MDc, Capucine Picard, MDa, Xavier Bossuyt, MD, PhDg, Paolo…
Cure 4 Cooper – Meet Cooper the Trooper!
Meet “Cooper the Trooper”. Cooper had NEMO deficiency and was transplanted May 2nd, 2006 with stem cells from his Dad. Read Cooper the Trooper blog here. Via Flora Bergeron.
Programa de donación de sangre de cordón umbilical – México
Banco Central de Sangre CMN “La Raza” Jacarandas y Seris Col. La Raza C.P. 02990 Teléfono 5724 5900 ext. 24212 o 24259 Gracias a Maria Elena Maza y Sergio Méndez
NEMO Awareness
Jack will be on TV! More about Jack here. Discovery Health Channel / Mystery Diagnosis next Monday June 12, 2006. Program Name: Discovery Channel Mystery Diagnosis The Man with Rocks in His Chest Charlotte and Roy Hagelin are overjoyed when they give birth to their second child Jack. But just two weeks after his birth,…