This is an important entry to my blog. This is the real thing. Simon needs your help. The PayPal button below helps Simon. Funds go directly to help Simon’s parents pay for his medical care. Simon is almost six months old, he’s from Chicago, he’s at Childrens Memorial Hospital, he has NEMO and he’s on…
Author: Andres Trevino
France and embryonic stem cells
French researchers will be able to work with stem cell lines derived from embryos. They can use unused embryos from in vitro fertilization if the couples dont plan to use them, or if the embryos have been diagnosed with a disease or malformation. Here is the Government announcement via Agence de la Biomédicine (in french).
Cure 4 Simon!
Please help Simon. I introduced Simon here three days ago. He’s almost six months old, he has NEMO and a compatible sister. He’s in the middle of his stem cell transplant, he’s receiving chemo infusions right now to get rid of his immune system and replace it with the help of stem cells from his…
Former volunteer guilty!
The man that was arrested at Children’s Hospital cought inside the ICU will spend 30 days in jail according to CBS News. Crazy! What the hell was he doing at the ICU?
How stem cells work @
Down to earth explanation of stem cells and stem cell research. Here are some of their charts: Read the article via How Stuff Works here.
Spanish Parliament and embryonic stem cells
I received this interesting note from Spain, Spanish Parliament Lifts Some Restrictions on IVF Treatment, Allows Varying Usage of Excess Embryos [Feb 21, 2006] Spain’s Parliament on Thursday approved a measure that would lift restrictions on the number of embryos that can be implanted into a woman undergoing in vitro fertilization and would allow couples…
YES!! Halie lives IMMUNE!
YES!! Halie lives IMMUNE!, originally uploaded by LIVEIMMUNE Contribution of Rich and Tracy Mc Leish. We met Rich and Tracy at Six West during Andy’s transplant, their daughter Hannah unfortunately passed away, she had a primary immune deficiency and her transplant didn’t go well.. And here is Halie! Hannah’s sister with her live Immune…
Top ten reasons why NOT to preserve your baby’s cord blood.
From one of the few parents who decided to use them… Top ten reasons why NOT to preserve your baby’s cord blood at a private umbilical cord stem cell bank. 10. It’s expensive. You have to pay a subscription fee of about $1,500 and then a yearly maintenance rate of around $100. 9. It sounds…
Adrián Fernández
Contribution of Ronald E. Elberger For more autographs visit here.
A prayer for Simon!
Simon is almost six months old, he’s from Chicago. Simon has NEMO, diagnosed 38 days ago. Simon is starting conditioning (chemo therapy) tomorrow for a stem cell transplant. Simon will receive stem cells from his sister, she’s a full match. Please keep Simon in your prayers. Chemo should only make way for the new cells……