Ronald E. Elberger from Indianapolis, Indiana will provide editing, publicity, promotional, marketing, business consultation, business management and literary agency services for my book. I feel very fortunate to be able to work with Mr. Elberger. He is the best of the best, I will be standing on the shoulders of a giant. Here’s a picture…
Author: Andres Trevino
Andy receives a package from Kelli Cole
Kelli Cole sent Andy a first year anniversary T-Shirt that says: “# 1 WINDY MAN” Thank you Kelli!
Virtual NEMO Aquarium
I had to have virtual nemo fish aquariums on this blog..
Andy had his stem cell transplant one year ago on Oct. 29th.
525,600 minutes ago Andy received Sofia’s stem cells. -Hace 525,600 minutos Andy recibió las celulas madre de Sofia. A list of thank-you’s, -Una lista de agradecimientos, If your name is not here and you believe it should be, thank you (send me an email to andy [at] andy [dot] org [dot] mx). -Si no encuentras…
Looking for a English to Greek translator
I’m looking for a English to Greek translator. If you know one who is willing to help translate a manual for families that go through stem cell transplants, let me know via email to the following mailbox, andy [at] andy [dot] org [dot] mx
Papá, porque hay tantos huracanes?
Andy preguntó hoy, “Papá, porqué hay tantos huracanes?” Es la época del año… Es por la temperatura del agua… Pelicula de la NASA aquí. Es una parte importante del sistema de circulación de la atmosférica.. Encontre esto: La palabra “huracán” utilizada en el hemisferio occidental procede del vocablo maya “hurakan”, nombre de un Dios creador,…
Stem cell research back in the headlines
This is what I think: This is just going around in circles.. Help is urgently needed for sick people who can benefit from treatments with these types of cells and researchers should have access to more resources. This is what the headlines say: Biologists last week revealed details of two techniques for deriving the cells…
Dr. Fischer @ Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Dr. Fischer is an expert in genetic therapy. My first message to Dr. Fischer was in October 23, 2001, he answered a day later October 24, 2001. I found this article about a speech he gave at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and it has interesting information. Source: Childrens Hospital Los Angeles “If you want to…
Kelli Cole gets married
Kelli Cole who was Andy’s primary nurse during his stem cell transplant and she ran the Boston Marathon for Andy. Kelli and Matthew got married on Oct. 8th. Here is her picture with husband Matthew, CONGRATULATIONS!
Donate now
If you want to donate to Children’s Hospital Boston do it now. Why? On September 23, 2005, President Bush signed into law an expansive relief package for victims of Hurricane Katrina. Thanks to this special legislation, taxpayers will find it easier to support hurricane relief while also remembering their favorite charities. Bottom line: there was…