By Gareth Cook 2005 Pulitzer Prize Incredible source of information regarding stem cells and the debate here. Graphics about stem cells. Stem Cell links. The human face of stem cells research (pictures). Parents taking their children with muscular dystrophy to a clinic in Kiev for a embryonic stem cell infusion. And more.
Author: Andres Trevino
Running for Andy @ Children’s News
Kelli and Andy on the April lissue of Children’s News! Published monthly by the Department of Public Affairs for Children’s Hospital Boston employees, staff, volunteers and visitors. Running for Andy Children’s Hospital Boston’s Kelli Cole, RN, has been running the Boston Marathon for the past three years. But this year the race is more than…
Editorial dedicado al Dr. Kretschmer @ Reforma
“Federico Reyes Heroles Roberto Kretschmer .. una auténtica lumbrera.. Había sin embargo una actividad de la cual hablaba poco. Me refiero a su investigación. Porque ese exitosísimo pediatra dedicaba todas sus mañanas a la investigación de punta. Él mismo puso límites a la consulta de la cual vivía para poder así hacer ciencia. De allí…
Doctor Roberto Kretschmer descanse en paz
Me acaban de informar que el Doctor Roberto Kretschmer murió el día de hoy a las 5:45 am. El Dr. Kretschmer era nuestro Capitán, así nos lo dijo él: “Yo soy su Capitán y vamos a sacar adelante a éste niño”. Le salvó la vida a Andy en varias ocasiones y en el camino me…
Harvard oks cloning of stem cells
The nuclei of the skin cells would then be inserted into the eggs to create human embryos carrying the genes for the disease and stem cells would be drawn from these embryos. Researchers hope that by observing the development of stem cells that carry the genes for a specific disease, they will be able to…
Estimado Dr. Kretschmer,
Marzo 16, 2005 Capitán, Con gusto le informo que el día de hoy Andy fue a la escuela con un sistema inmunológico nuevo. Y le encanto!! Quien iba a pensar que éste niño una mutación en en el exon 4 de (NEMO) Nuclear Factor Kappa B Essential Modulator; con más de 600 días en el…
PGD Article @ The Guardian
MPs say lift ban on reproductive human cloning; Antony Barnett, public affairs editor; Sunday March 20, 2005; The Observer. ..suggestion that research should be allowed in this contentious area is just one of several likely to create heated debate. The report suggests a radical rethink of existing law. ‘Parents, rather than the state, must be…
Andy’s LIVEIMMUNE wristbands
And here it is! ANDY’S WRISTBAND ‘LIVE IMMUNE – got stem cells? –’ The idea: Sell the wristbands and ask donors to send pictures via email wearing the wristbands. The pictures will be uploaded to The most original picture wins a prize (could be a trip somewhere). Funds will be used to pay…
Andy goes to school!
PGD in NZ @ Scoop NZ
The Guidelines on PGD have been approved by the New Zealand Minister of Health. Very good definitions of PGD in the article. More here.