Lisa Perry
Author: Andres Trevino
Air Purifiers we’re using at home for Andy
We’ve got 2 of these air purifiers working 24 hours a day at our apartment. Buy one here for your houme and help Andy: Ionic Breeze GP Silent Air Purifier
Christina Hodge – Nurse of the Night
Christina Hodge
Nursing & Honesty from Gallup
Nurses Top List in Honesty and Ethics Poll Grade school teachers second, with pharmacists and military officers PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup’s annual survey on the honesty and ethical standards of various professions finds nurses at the top of the list, as they have been all but one year since they were first added to the…
Kelli Cole – Nurse of the Day
Kelli Cole
Jilian Davido – Nurse of the Night
Jilian Davido
Technology Review / MIT & Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
Technology Review: Massachusetts Institute of Technology magazine of innovation that covers the world of practical technology talks about Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) on their December 2004 issue. They define PGD as follows: PGD is a state-of-the-art diagnostic procedure used with in vitro fertilization to test embryos for genetic disorders. It is also used to detect…
Andy and his ‘Creepy Crawlers Bug Maker Oven’
Every morning Andy manufactures bugs in his hospital bed in room 613 at the Stem Cell Transplant Unit at Children’s Hospital Boston. He uses bottles of ‘Plasti-Goop Compound’ and fills the ‘bug molds’, holds them with the ‘mold handlers’ and uses the ‘Creepy Crawlers Molder Oven’. Buy your own ‘Creepy Crawlers Bug Maker Oven’ and…
Adam Fitzpatrick – Nurse of the Day
Adam Fitzpatrick
Julie Tarbox – Nurse of the Night
Julie Tarbox