Kelli Cole
Author: Andres Trevino
Maura Paulsen – Nurse of the Night
Maura Paulsen
Kelli Cole – Nurse of the Day
Kelli Cole
Julie Tarbox – Nurse of the Night
Julie Tarbox
Jeniffer Cuchinata – Nurse of the Day
Jeniffer Cuchinata
Maura Paulsen – Nurse of the Night
Maura Paulsen
Keyhole tour of Andy’s hospitals
There’s a very cool application called Keyhole, described as the “Ultimate Interface to the Planet”, that allows anyone using a computer with 3D graphic capabilities to fly from space to see thousands of cities and more than 80 of the major metropolitan areas of this planet. Satellite imagery makes it real. It’s a Superman ride!…
Jilian Davido – Nurse of the Day
Jilian Davido
Lisa Perry – Nurse of the Night
Lisa Perry
Dr. Steven Joffe – Attending Physician
Steven Joffe, MD, MPH Assistant in Medicine Assistant Professor of Pediatrics More here.