Victoria Pullin
A visit from Andy’s “Wife”
A visit from Eleina Perry who took care of Andy in 7E. A picture from the past: Another picture from today: Thank you for your visit!
Chris O’Rourke-Friel – Primary Nurse for 7W
Chris O’Rourke-Friel playing guitar, room 703.
Melissa O’Connor visits Andy
Melissa O’Connor who gave us the tour of 6W , the Stem Cell Transplant Unit at Children’s Hospital Boston (prior to hospitalization) visited Andy today.
Celebrities and stem cells
Christopher Reeve: “For the true biological miracles that researchers have only begun to foresee, medical science must turn to undifferentiated stem cells,” “We need to clear the path for them as rapidly as possible.” Reeve told a United States Senate hearing in 2000 on federal funding for stem-cell research. Nancy Reagan: “Science has presented us…
Umbilical cord banks
A definition for umbilical cord banks: It’s a warehouse for suspended hope
Father Robert Nee
Father Robert came by today. Here’s today prayer: My Soul is the Infant My Soul is the infant searching for the comfort of warm milk. My soul is the bodiless searching for temple. My soul yearns for rest from life’s weary roads. I lift my soul to You, Oh Father. Pull me close to You,…
Ysela Lopez Negrete de Ortiz – Gracias!
Estimada Ysela, Muchas gracias por la tarjeta y libro de Spiderman que le llegó a Andy via correo postal. Le encanta recibir cartas. Besos y abrazos ATF
Maguis Boston – México
Maguis “la nanny” de Sofía va de regreso a México. Muchas gracias por tu ayuda! El vuelo de Maguis rumbo a México ATF
Chris O’Rourke-Friel – Nurse of the Day
Chris O’Rourke-Friel