Guidelines clear way for gene-screen babies 05.10.2004 By ELIZABETH BINNING New Zealand parents will soon be able to have babies free of serious genetic disorders and babies whose tissue can be used to help ill siblings. But they will not be able to choose the sex of their unborn child. The guidelines, formulated by the…
Paula Dominguez – Gracias!
Estimada Paula, Muchas gracias por el juego de Ninja Turtles GameBoy Advance. Hoy llegó la caja via directo al cuarto de hospital de Andy. Le dá muchisimo gusto recibir paquetes. Y se la pasó jugando con su GameBoy mientras recibe una infusión de gammaglobulina intravenosa. Aqui la foto abriendo el paquete: Atentamente, Andrés y…
Vicki & Fred Modell – Thank you!
Dear Vicki & Fred, We would like to share with you the big smile on Andy’s face when earlier today he received a big box full of toys! Thank you very much! The box included: Jumbo Stencil station Finding Nemo for GameBoy Advance Cartoon Network for GameBoy Advance The Ultimate All-Star Sticker Book You made…
Steve & Brenda Bivens – Thank you!
A thank you note for Steve & Brenda Bivens for sending the Pokemon Gameboy Advance game. The game arrived Sept. 29th to Andy’s hospital room via Amazon. Andy plays a lot with the game! Thank you Andres & Paulina
Deb Zob – Nurse of the Day
Deb Zob
ANDY takes pictures of Room 606
Andy takes control of the camera: Spiderman watching after him: Spiderman watching over him: Movement around him: Monitors: Adults around him: Urine bottles: Hand Sanitizer: Paper towels: Paper towels + soap: Needle box: Bathroom door: Colors + ceiling: Bed + Loop: His feet: TV + VCR + PlayStation: Loop: Pump pole: Pump pole vs. cup:…
Jodi Burns – Nurse of the Night
Jodi Burns
Maguis visita a Andy
Maguis llegó ayer a Boston. Captamos la ruta del vuelo de Maguis en Aeroméxico 442 (AM 442): Le tenemos mucho cariño a la Tia Maguis. Maguis encabeza la lista de donadores de ANDYCARD. También ha hecho donativos directos a Children’s Hospital Boston. Y ha obtenido autógrafos para Andy. Entre otros.. Foto más reciente con Andy…
Maura Padula – Nurse of the Day
Maura Padula
Jodi Burns – Nurse of the Night
Jodi Burns