Molly – > Falconi Anemia Adam – > 100% HLA match, perfect donor. IVF & PGD baby. Molly – Cured! Watch and hear their story here ABC News – Good Morning America – 08/06/04 08:07:15 Genetic selection gives girl a brother and a second chance – Oct 3, 2000 Genetic testing of embryos raises…
Celulas Madre o Stem Cells
Como una semilla de la cual crece un árbol, las células madre son el punto de partida de una cascada de división de células que produce los miles de millones de células especiales en la piel, músculos. sangre, cerébro, ojos, corazón y otros organos que constituyen nuestro cuerpo. Las células madre más jovenes que se…
Stem Cells
Just like a seed that grows in a tree, stem cells are the starting point of a waterfall of division that produce millions of special cells in the skin, muscles, blood, brain, eyes, heart and other organs that make up our body. The youngest stem cells that are obtained from embryos only days old have…
California Proposition 71
Proposition 71 in California on the November state ballot. Stem cell research could lead to breakthrough treatments and cures for many diseases and injuries, including: diabetes, cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis, sickle cell disease, Parkinson’s, HIV/AIDS, osteoporosis, ALS, autism, severe burns and spinal cord injury. Here’s the Yes on 71 website:…
TERRIFIED of needles? Help is on the horizon
A futuristic device that painlessly injects medications through microscopic pores in the skin. The hand-held, ultrasonic device applies sound waves to the skin for 15 seconds, disrupting a protective membrane to allow fluids to flow in or out. The openings allow larger molecules, including those of many drugs, to pass through quickly. After 24 hours,…
RGI – Designer Baby Party!
Kleenex Brand Launches New Anti-Viral Tissue
Innovative Product Kills 99.9% Of Cold And Flu Viruses Kimberly-Clark Corporation announced on July 14th a new facial tissue product designed to kill viruses that cause colds and the flu. Strong enough to stand up to a cold or flu virus, but gentle enough for everyday use, Kleenex Brand Anti-Viral* tissue is the only facial…
Ancient Chinese proverb
“If you want one year of prosperity, grow grain; if you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees; and if you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people”
La Academia Mexicana de Ciencias
En el website de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias (AMC) encuentro que sus objetivos entre otros es de agrupar a los investigadores más distinguidos de México en las distintas áreas de la ciencia y promover el reconocimiento público de su labor, promover la investigación científica en México, difundir la ciencia en México, celebrar congresos… Tambien…
Cloning Article @ BBC News
Scientists given cloning go-ahead British scientists have been given permission to perform therapeutic cloning using human embryos for the first time. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority granted the licence to experts at the University of Newcastle. .. They warn it will be at least five years – if not many more – before patients…