El día de hoy recibi este mensaje: a quien corresponda quiero hacer una donacion de mi medula, pero enmexico hay muchso impedimentos, quiero ayudar a alguna persona y que me puedan ayudar a mi, soy adulto de 50 años por favor ayudenme gracias —–@hotmail.com
PGD Article @ USA Today
Parents with sick kids turning to siblings’ stem cells, By Rita Rubin, USA TODAY In an article published yesterday on USA TODAY Rita Rubin said, “Some ethicists have expressed concern about using technology to create children who would be tissue donors for siblings. They cite a lack of information about the impact on the children…
PGD Article @ Financial Times
Clinic aids parents who seek ‘designer baby’ to help save sick sibling. By Victoria Griffith in Boston. In an article today by Victoria Griffith in Boston she talks about the report at the Journal of the American Medical Association – JAMA where Reproductive Genetics Institute – RGI presents their experience with 13 couples between 2002-2003…
Dr. Jordan Orange publishes presentation of NEMO
On the Journal of Clinical Allergy and Immunology: The presentation and natural history of immunodeficiency caused by nuclear factor kappaB essential modulator mutation. Orange JS, Jain A, Ballas ZK, Schneider LC, Geha RS, Bonilla FA. Department of Immunology, Children’s Hospital, 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA. BACKGROUND: An increasing number of rare genetic defects…
Apuesta el Nombre
Aida 1 Alejandra 3 Alegra 1 Alma 1 Ana 2 Anayansy 3 Ana Paula 2 Andrea 12 Angela 1 Angel de Maria 1 Angelica 1 Angie 4 Ayelen 1 Cecilia 1 Consuelo 1 Cristina 3 Daniela 7 Esperanza 22 Estrella 1 Federica 1 Gloria 1 Guadalupe 1 Gracia 2 Ivonne 1 Lizette 1 Lorena 1…
Donador de riñon en andy.org.mx
El día de hoy me llego este mensaje de correo electrónico. “estmdos doctores espero reciban personalmente mi email mando mis datos para registrarme como candidato a donador de sangre tambien les escribo por si les interesa un riñon se que esto es un delito pero mas delito es dejar morir a tantas personas que tienen…
Harvard Plans Center to Grow Stem Cells
Harvard plans to open a multimillion-dollar center to grow and study human embryonic stem cells…The center could be the largest privately financed stem cell research project in the country. It must use private money to create new lines of stem cells because President Bush… More via The New York Times here.
Andres @ Harvard Medical School
I participated today @ the HST 180. HST stands for Health Sciences and Technology, a joint program between Harvard Medical School and MIT for both graduate and medical students. The topics discussed in the class cover a broad spectrum of medical conditions in which the underlying genetic causes are known. The genetics for each disorder…
Augusto Odone
I became aware of his efforts yesterday. I saw the movie “Lorenzo’s Oil” yesterday afternoon on TV. I heard three years ago about this movie but I didn’t want to see it because I thought it had a tragic ending and we’ve had our share of tragic in the last three and a half years….
Commentary from Dr. Jordan Orange & Dr. Raif S. Geha
Finding NEMO: genetic disorders of NFkB activation Jordan S. Orange and Raif S. Geha Division of Immunology, Children’s Hospital and Department of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA Comentary about NEMO from Dr. Jordan Orange, Dr. Raif S. Geha. Read the Commentary here. ATF