Doing well. We’re on day -8. Clinical Assistant came into the room at 8:00 am to get Andy’s weight (16.9 kg) and vital signs. Andy went back to sleep. We’re signed up with Father Robert to receive communion, so at around 9:00 am a Chaplain came into the room, we held hands, she…
1095 days ago / Day -10
This is what I wrote 1095 days ago: Doing well. This update comes when Andy has received 3 doses of chemo out of 20 (16 of busulfan and 4 of the other) according to the original stem cell transplant plan. He will receive 4 days of chemo of one type, then one day of rest,…
1095 days ago
Three years ago. Chemo (Busulfan) starts today @ 6:00 AM, three times a day for 4 days. Then one day of rest and 4 more days of chemo. Andy is as strong as ever. He likes his new room. Before going to sleep today he cleaned his toys with alcohol wipes, clened the chairs…
Good Night by Sofía
Conner needs platelets and the hospital doesn’t have any to give.
Conner’s Mom: Conner needs platelets this morning and the hospital doesn’t have any to give. We are hoping that they will have some by this afternoon. If you are able, no matter where you live, no matter what your blood type, please consider contacting the Red Cross in your area to find out where you…
Patience 1: bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint 2: manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain 3: not hasty or impetuous 4: steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity
About skin
Andy’s “radiator” doesnt work. We’ve never seen him sweat (ectodermal dysplasia),
You Tube most widely viewed medical animation
Nothing is impossible
“Throw back the shoulders, let the heart sing, let the eyes flash, let the mind be lifted up, look upward and say to yourself…Nothing is impossible!” ~Norman Vincent Peale
Strange IVF News
A new category for my blog. Strange IVF News. Here is the first one from Australia: IVF accident Updated: 23:24, Friday October 12, 2007 A Victorian woman has launched legal action against a Melbourne IVF clinic, after her embryos were dropped on the floor, killing most of them. The 45 year old’s frozen embryos were…