Before Andy’s transplant and during transplant there was a direct relationship between happiness and the appearance of faeces. Strange.. but that’s the way it is. Extreme parenthood… I remember the day when I changed Andy 34 times in 24 hours. one diaper every 42 minutes. According to the chart below If he had a Type 7 it meant that we had to run to…
PGD for Alzheimer’s
IVF couple screened to avoid Alzheimer’s risk By Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor A couple who fear their child could inherit a rare form of Alzheimer’s are to undergo embryo screening to eliminate the risk. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority has granted a licence to a fertility clinic to carry out IVF…
The Book
Since I decided to write a book about our story and while I find literary depth and context, I’ve been trying to learn about book publishers. I find this story amazing: Scholastic Pockets $240 Million from PotterBy Jim Milliot — Publishers Weekly, 9/20/2007 7:21:00 AM Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows came through…
Testicle stem cells? via BBC
A man’s testicles might be a source of stem cells to help him fight serious diseases, US scientists have shown. They extracted early-stage sperm cells from mice, then turned them into cells capable of becoming different tissues. Writing in Nature, the Weill Cornell Medical College team said their work might lead to treatments for…
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis International Society
PGDIS coordinates research, education and training in preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), requiring a close collaboration of obstetricians, fertility specialists, embryologists and human geneticists, to insure safety and accuracy of PGD and its application into clinical practice for improvement of genetic practices and reproductive medicine. OBJECTIVES: Collect and distribute the information on the progress of centers…
Chicago Tribune – Genetic test’s benefits and ethics debated
I received this article today about PGD. PGD stands for Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis, the procedure we used to find Sofia. HEALTH BEAT: PRE-IMPLANTATION GENETIC DIAGNOSIS Genetic test’s benefits and ethics debatedBy William Hageman | Tribune staff reporter Imagine a procedure by which an inherited disorder — say, hemophilia — can be…
National Geographic – Baby Senses
Bad parenting
No doubt about it, there’s no manual for parenting. There are some books, magazines and websites out there that talk about parenting … To tell you the truth I find it boring when someone tries to tell me how to make children behave while they are eating. Maybe its because of my “extreme parenthood” experience……
Andy & Sofia Spanglish
This is what happens with Spanish at home and English elsewere. This is a small sample of Andy and Sofia’s spanglish: No es feria = It’s not fair Farma = Granja = Farm Sanguien = someone Juega la pelicula= Play the movie Climbeando = subiendo = escalando
Boston Marathon 2008
Looking for runners to team up with Andy, I recently received the following message: ============== We have officially kicked off the 2008 Miles for Miracles Marathon program. We are now accepting applications for the Boston Marathon®, Monday, April 21, 2008. We’re accepting applications for invitational waivers until Monday, October 1st. Apply online: We will…