I found Andy & Kelli’s picture at the new website. Just next to where it says Children’s runners raise $949,000 And here’s a bigger picture,
People from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland have MAPIN, Middle Atlantic Primary Immunodeficiency Network. MAPIN offers direction during the journey with primary immunodeficiency. Dr. Jordan Orange and Katie Orange are supporting MAPIN. Visit MAPIN website here.
A search box that helps
If you search here you help Andy. How does this work? The set of search results and advertising is provided and hosted by Google. Google delivers search results and search-targeted ads. If you click on these ads, Google shares the revenue with the web publisher (Andy).
Designer baby is a perfect match @ Belfast Telegraph
This is a story I’ve been following about the UK first ‘designer baby’. She was born on July 14, and the first story came out a few days later. Designer baby is a perfect match New hope for sick tot Joshua By Nigel Gould, Health Correspondent 04 August 2005 AN Ulster mum was jubilant today…
Selecting your genetic best for IVF @ ABC News
Karen Barrow from ABC News Healthology section on their website talks about PGD. Read the article here.
Limitations may arise after bone marrow transplant @ Reuters
According to this study 10% of survivors of a bone marrow transplant experience impairment in functional, social and emotional areas and 90% go on to lead successful and productive lives. Read the article via Reuters here.
Jack’s Story
The latest news from Charlotte and Roy A. Hagelin is that they found a match for Jacks stem cell transplant! More about Jack soon. Recorder Newspapers Fairfield boy struggles with rare genetic disorders By JACLYN STOLFI Staff Writer 07/22/2005 FAIRFIELD TWP – “Finding NEMO” was only half the battle for Jack Hagelin, 2, and his…
Green light for ‘designer babies’ @ The New Zealand Herald
Green light for ‘designer babies’ 31.07.05 By Amanda Cameron An Auckland clinic has been given the go-ahead to begin screening embryos for parents wanting to give birth to babies without genetic disorders. The screening technology – pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) – will allow parents who are at risk of passing on certain inherited diseases to…
andy.org.mx was down for a minute or so
andy.org.mx website had some technical difficulties this afternoon. It seems to be working now thanks to Ekomercio, Ekofon, Ekonom (websites created by ATF).
Book Status – I broke the 100 K word milestone
My current word count is 105,310 words. Page Count? Industry standard preferred length is 250 words per page. My book is 421.24 pages long. And I still have things to tell… Forty six days ago I had a word count of 78,349. I wrote 26,961 words from that date to today, thats 586.11 words per…