If I understand correctly they are trying to educate the immune system to prevent inflammation. What side effects does this have?
Blood Works by Mary Ellen Egan,
A novel therapy using patients’ own blood may reverse a deadly component of heart disease.
The human body is constantly bombarded with foreign microorganisms and antigens, a battle that triggers inflammation responses. If the body were to remain on constant high alert, tissues and organs would wear out. What saves the body over time are naturally occurring anti-inflammatory responses. Vasogen’s approach is to trigger more of these responses, keeping the immune system on an even keel.
Called Celacade, the treatment has already been approved for use in Europe and is currently in late-stage trials in the U.S.
Read the article here.
Vasogen is the company who is doing this:
Recent advances in medical research have established the fundamental role of ongoing or chronic inflammation in the development and progression of heart failure, atherosclerosis, and many neurodegenerative diseases. Vasogen’s products in development target destructive chronic inflammation.
Vasogen website here.