I participated today @ the HST 180. HST stands for Health Sciences and Technology, a joint program between Harvard Medical School and MIT for both graduate and medical students. The topics discussed in the class cover a broad spectrum of medical conditions in which the underlying genetic causes are known. The genetics for each disorder…
+ English
Augusto Odone
I became aware of his efforts yesterday. I saw the movie “Lorenzo’s Oil” yesterday afternoon on TV. I heard three years ago about this movie but I didn’t want to see it because I thought it had a tragic ending and we’ve had our share of tragic in the last three and a half years….
Commentary from Dr. Jordan Orange & Dr. Raif S. Geha
Finding NEMO: genetic disorders of NFkB activation Jordan S. Orange and Raif S. Geha Division of Immunology, Children’s Hospital and Department of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA Comentary about NEMO from Dr. Jordan Orange, Dr. Raif S. Geha. Read the Commentary here. ATF
Grabaciones de Andy
ANDY (BUZZ) Lightyear presenta: Al Infinito y mas alla! Ahi viene mi hermanita!! ATF
Andy’s Recordings
Andy (Buzz) Lightyear presents: To infinity and beyond! Here comes my sister!!
Letter from Raif S. Geha, MD; The Andy Fund
Letter from James Mandell, M.D. CEO Children’s Hospital Boston
Jordan Orange article about NEMO
Deficient natural killer cell cytotoxicity in patients with IKK-γ/NEMO mutations Jordan S. Orange, Scott R. Brodeur, Ashish Jain, Francisco A. Bonilla, Lynda C. Schneider, Roberto Kretschmer, Samuel Nurko, Wendy L. Rasmussen, Julia R. Köhler, Stephen E. Gellis, Betsy M. Ferguson, Jack L. Strominger, Jonathan Zonana, Narayanaswamy Ramesh, Zuhair K. Ballas, and Raif S. Geha Jordan…
Human Leukocyte Antigen
Human Leukocyte Antigen – HLA, the proteins present on the surface of the white blood cell, and most other cells of the body, which allow the human body to recognize self versus non-self. More web definitions via Google here. More via Wikipedia here.