Children’s Hospital Trust, the fundraising arm of Children’s Hospital Boston invited me to Las Vegas last week to talk about “the healing power of stem cells” at the Caesar’s Palace. I was the “Patient Family Speaker”. Here is my talk via You Tube, Part ONE: Part TWO: And some pictures: Dr. Zon, Mr. Loveman, Mr….
Fundraising & Gifts
Buy Amazon Kindle here
What is Amazon Kindle? Amazon Kindle ( is a revolutionary portable reader that wirelessly downloads books, newspapers, magazines and blogs to a crisp, high-resolution electronic paper display that looks and reads like real paper, even in bright sunlight. Kindle customers, no matter where they are in the U.S., can wirelessly shop the Kindle Store…
Circle of Care Highlights Video
What a day!
The Three Amigos
6 x HB Hill
I ran 6 x Heart Break Hill today.
Agradecimiento a donadores en
Carta agradecimiento para los donadores en Muchas gracias por tu donativo al Children’s Hospital Boston. En las más de 675 noches que pasamos con Andy en el hospital nos encontramos que los médicos, investigadores, enfermeras, administradores y hasta las personas de limpieza en el Children’s Hospital Boston tienen algo en comun: A todos les…
Mark & Andy’s picture at the Children’s Hospital Trust website
Andy and Mark at the Childen’s Hospital marathon team kick-off December 14th, 2006. Visit this page here.
Running the Marathon!
Mark is running the marathon. Victor is running the marathon. I’m running the marathon. In exactly one hundred and forty five days from today the oldest annual marathon will take place here in Boston. One of the world’s most prestigious road racing events. Twenty six point two miles (42 km) from Hopkington to Copley Square…
Running is by definition the fastest means for an animal to move on foot. It is defined in sporting terms as a gait in which at some point all feet are off the ground at the same time. It is a form of both anaerobic exercise and aerobic exercise. During running, the speed at which…
The Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk
Last Sunday I walked at the Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk. Andy is a patient of the Jimmy Fund Clinic because all of his stem cell transplant specialists work there. The Jimmy Fund specializes in cancer and cancer related diseases but they also see patients with primary immune deficiency. I walked twenty six point two…