Estimado Sr. Trevino, Agradezco su correo y paso a responderle. En primer lugar, aclararle que yo no tengo la posibilidad de facilitarle la forma en la que pueda presentar lo que me expone en su correo en el Vaticano. Por otra parte, sin juzgar en absoluto la decisión que ustedes tomaron ni al sacerdote que…
Invitro Fertilization
Making a book
USA Today – Embryo genetic screening controversial – and successful
Article about Molly & Adam Nash with quotes Oleg Verlinsky who is now running the Reroductive Genetics Institute in Chicago after his father Yury passed away last June. Yury gave us a dicount to do the PGD lab setup for NEMO in his Lab. USA Today article here.
Demand for ‘designer babies’ to grow dramatically via Times Online
We will always to question medical advances. Is this new procedure ethical? Will it help? PGD helps and we’re living proof. Demand for ‘designer babies’ to grow dramatically
RGI – 300 stem cell lines – 250 savior siblings
In an unimposing brick building located in the heart of Chicago’s Lincoln Park neighborhood, lives a repository of information that could lead to the cures for Cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, Diabetes, spinal cord injury and a host of other diseases. In early March, when President Obama cleared the way for federally funded stem cell research,…
Via NY Times – Parents Torn Over Fate of Frozen Embryos
I find this ridiculous. December 4, 2008 Parents Torn Over Fate of Frozen Embryos By DENISE GRADY For nearly 15 years, Kim and Walt Best have been paying about $200 a year to keep nine embryos stored in a freezer at a fertility clinic at Duke University — embryos that they no longer need, because they are finished…
Via AFP: Australian parents sue over IVF son: report
Strange.. Tough luck… I wonder if they are also suing their parents for having them?And their grandparents for giving birth to their parents who gave birth to them? SYDNEY (AFP) — An Australian couple who used IVF to conceive a daughter to avoid passing on an incurable disease which only affects males are suing their doctors after…
Vatican lists 7 social sins
This from Bloomberg: Pope Benedict XVI has spoken out on social issues throughout his three-year papacy. He backs a current political initiative to outlaw abortions after 90 days and encouraged Catholics to abstain from a 2005 referendum on easing restrictive laws on fertility treatments, which failed to achieve the 50 percent participation level to make…
Strange IVF News
A new category for my blog. Strange IVF News. Here is the first one from Australia: IVF accident Updated: 23:24, Friday October 12, 2007 A Victorian woman has launched legal action against a Melbourne IVF clinic, after her embryos were dropped on the floor, killing most of them. The 45 year old’s frozen embryos were…
World’s smallest ultrasound device
Cool! From Siemens The world’s smallest ultrasound device for initial diagnosis in emergency situations September 1, 2007 | Acuson P10, is a hand-held device intended for complementary initial diagnostic care and triage, particularly in cardiology, emergency care and obstetrics. .It is poised to change the physical exam by providing immediate information to health care providers…