I ran 13 miles today. It was around 13 degrees Fahrenheit (-10 degrees Celsius) and it felt like -20 degrees…. I carried a water 4 bottle belt and I ended up running with four blocks of ice around my waist (Gatorade froze after the first 3 miles)… There was ice in my eyebrows… And OUCH!…
Agradecimiento a donadores en vic4andy.com
Carta agradecimiento para los donadores en vic4andy.com Muchas gracias por tu donativo al Children’s Hospital Boston. En las más de 675 noches que pasamos con Andy en el hospital nos encontramos que los médicos, investigadores, enfermeras, administradores y hasta las personas de limpieza en el Children’s Hospital Boston tienen algo en comun: A todos les…
5 times Heartbreak Hill
I ran 5 x heartbreak hill The most famous hill in all of running is almost certainly “Heartbreak Hill”, between miles 20 and 21 of the Boston Marathon course. Why is it called heartbreak hill? In 1936, while running the last of the four Newton hills, defending champion Johnny Kelley finally caught the leader, Ellison…
12 miles!
I ran 12 miles (19.38 km.) today. This has been my longest run so far. I’ve completed 20 runs for a total of 110.08 miles (177.16 km) since I started training with this shoes Nov. 26. I bet this is more than the total distance that my feet transported me since May 1999 (when Andy…
10 miles!
I ran 10 miles today in 1 hour 38 minutes. Here is the route.
Mark & Andy’s picture at the Children’s Hospital Trust website
Andy and Mark at the Childen’s Hospital marathon team kick-off December 14th, 2006. Visit this page here.
5 miles
I ran 5 miles today. Visit www.vic4andy.com, www.mark4andy.com and www.42km.org and donate.
Heartbreak hill 5 times – 5 miles
Heartbreak hill 5 times. I ran 5 miles today. Pace 9’45”/mi Visit www.42km.org and donate!
Hearbreak hill 4 times = 3 miles
Up heartbreak hill 4 times = I ran 3 miles today..
6 miles
I ran 6 miles today. The ankle is doing ok.. While running I remembered the day we met Dr. Orange.. It was around September 22nd., 2000… A tall man with short hair, a purple shirt and a multicolor tie entered the room. He was probably three or four years older than me, he had a…