People Are Human-Bacteria Hybrid By Rowan Hooper Most of the cells in your body are not your own, nor are they even human. They are bacterial. From the invisible strands of fungi waiting to sprout between our toes, to the kilogram of bacterial matter in our guts, we are best viewed as walking “superorganisms,” highly…
News & Blogs
Prayers and Healing Article @ The New York Times
Can Prayers Heal? Critics Say Studies Go Past Science’s Reach By BENEDICT CAREY Read the article here. I think there will never be a scientific explanation to the relationship between prayer and healing. I don’t know of any type of measure for prayer. In my own particular way of praying, I always try to do…
PGD Article @ The New Zealand Herald
Guidelines clear way for gene-screen babies 05.10.2004 By ELIZABETH BINNING New Zealand parents will soon be able to have babies free of serious genetic disorders and babies whose tissue can be used to help ill siblings. But they will not be able to choose the sex of their unborn child. The guidelines, formulated by the…
El Tio Victor habla acerca de Andy en radio!!
El día de ayer miercoles el Tio Victor (mi hermano) habló acerca de Andy en el radio en México! Victor habla todos los miércoles en el programa Entorno al Dinero que conduce el periodista Eduardo Torreblanca Jaques. Este programa se transmite de lunes a viernes de 8:00 pm a 9:00 pm a través de la…
Colonoscopy and politics
When President Bush underwent a colonoscopy in 2002, he temporarily transferred power to Dick Cheney. Andy has transferred power more than 13 times.. Article about White House doctors via CNN here. ATF
A Tasmanian couple PGD for PID
An Australian couple who created medical history and sparked a storm of controversy about their decision to have a “designer” baby to save their seriously ill son have spoken out about their choice in a new film. The Tasmanian couple, known only as Stephen and Leanne, welcomed their life-saving baby boy, CJ, last month. CJ…
Gene therapy article @ BBC
Safer route to gene therapy found Scientists say they have found a safer way of controlling genes to treat disease. Current methods of switching genes on and off usually involve complicated systems and have serious side effects like cancer. Scientists at the Children’s Hospital in Boston say their new system should help overcome some of…
Cloning Article @ BBC News
Scientists given cloning go-ahead British scientists have been given permission to perform therapeutic cloning using human embryos for the first time. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority granted the licence to experts at the University of Newcastle. .. They warn it will be at least five years – if not many more – before patients…
BMT Article @ Notimex / Noticieros Televisa
“Primeros transplantes de células madre. Fuente: Notimex Médicos del Instituto Nacional de Pediatría realizan con éxito los primeros transplantes de células madre obtenidas de cordón umbilical y médula ósea “ Noticia completa aqui Lo mejor de la noticia, me dicen que Alejandra se ve bien!! La página web que le hicimos a Alejandra antes de…
Charlie Article @ BBC
“Designer baby transplant success. A boy with a rare blood disorder has been successfully given stem cells from his perfect match ‘designer baby’ brother. We won’t be able to declare him cured until a year after his transplant. Dr Ajay Vora, consultant hameatologist looking after Charlie.” The story from the BBC of Charlie a boy…