Frozen human eggs at a fertility center. Photo: Mark Boster / LA Times Link
Andy & Sofia
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Feliz Navidad
He knew..
Spell words with Flickr pictures.
My car after the blizzard:
Aidan lives Immune
Aidan lives Immune, originally uploaded by LIVEIMMUNE Contribution of Kelli S. There are currently 94 live immune bracelet pictures. I need 106 more pictures to reach two hunderd. When we reach two hundred, the contributor of the most popular picture according to Flickr wins an iPod. You can purchase the live immune bracelet here.
Live Immune wristband picture
Belen lives IMMUNE, originally uploaded by LIVEIMMUNE Contribution of Belen Z. There are currently 93 live immune bracelet pictures. I need 107 more pictures for 200. At 200, the contributor of the most popular picture according to Flickr wins an iPod.