Public debate over ‘designer babies. By David Firn, Parmaceuticals and Chemicals Correspondent. Published: July 16 2004 The UK government watchdog set up to monitor advances in human genetics has launched a public consultation on the testing of human embryos and babies in the womb. The discussion is expected to raise some of the most controversial…
Savior Siblings – PGD
PGD Article @ The Guardian UK
“NATIONAL consultation on designer babies by Ian Sample, science correspondent. Friday July 16, 2004. The Guardian An unprecedented nationwide consultation on the genetic testing of embryos and babies in the womb is to be launched today by the Human Genetics Commission. ATF – Copies of the report are available from the Human Genetics Commission UK…
PGD Article @ Edinburgh Evening News – Edinburgh,Scotland,UK
Researchers Bid to Screen Embryos for Cancer, by Ben Mitchell, PA News. Scientists in the UK are preparing to seek permission to screen embryos for genes that lead to breast and bowel cancer to enable parents to prevent placing their children at risk of the diseases, it emerged today. “If someone has the gene, they…
PGD Article @ The Sunday Herald Sun Australia
Embryo test to cut cancer risk, by Mary Papadakis, June 27, 2004. Using embryos without faulty forms of genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 – also linked to ovarian cancer – would cut the risk of a child developing breast cancer … Professor Bob Williamson said yesterday that screening for gene defects was a major progression for…
PGD Article @ The Times UK
“Dawn of baby-to-order era. Doctors last night announced a test that would allow women with a high genetic risk of breast cancer to choose an embryo that will ensure the risk is not passed on to their daughters.” The Times claims that the possibility of designer babies has moved a step closer to reality. A…
PGD Article @ The Jerusalem Post
Healthy babies for disease carriers, by JUDY SIEGEL-ITZKOVICH, Jun. 5, 2004 23:10 The author describes the case of the first woman to use PGD to find a healthy baby. “A Jerusalem woman suffering from myotonic dystrophy is due to give birth in December to a healthy baby identified as a normal ovum and two-day-old embryo…
PGD Article @ The Daily Telegraph Australia
Testing new hope for IVF success By ZOE TAYLOR Medical Reporter, June 7, 2004 In this article Zoe Taylor describes PGD as a “world-first trial”. I guess that the clinic (Sydney IVF) didnt explain to the reporter that there are more than 1,000 babies born using PGD. “Several hundred women under the age of 37…
PGD Article @ The Asahi Shimbun, Japan.
Desperate couples seek court’s help, The Asahi Shimbun, Japan. I found the following in an article today at “Asahi Shimbum, Japan’s Leading National Newspaper”, the reporter describes what couples and doctors are doing regarding PGD: One of the plaintiffs, a woman in her 30s, has suffered repeated miscarriages. “My right to have a healthy baby…
PGD Article @ USA Today
Early genetic testing allays fears, ignites ethics debate by By Rita Rubin, USA TODAY. In an article published yesterday on USA TODAY Rita Rubin said, “To critics, though ….. the quest for a stem cell donor may be only the first step toward tissue donor mills and designer babies whose IQ and eye color are…
PGD Article @ USA Today
Parents with sick kids turning to siblings’ stem cells, By Rita Rubin, USA TODAY In an article published yesterday on USA TODAY Rita Rubin said, “Some ethicists have expressed concern about using technology to create children who would be tissue donors for siblings. They cite a lack of information about the impact on the children…