We will always to question medical advances. Is this new procedure ethical? Will it help? PGD helps and we’re living proof. Demand for ‘designer babies’ to grow dramatically
Savior Siblings – PGD
Via El País: Andres y Javier
El primer niño genéticamente seleccionado en España cura a su hermano El menor enfermo sufría anemia congénita, que le obligaba a continuas transfusiones ELPAÍS.com / AGENCIAS – Madrid / Sevilla – 13/03/2009 Andrés, de 7 años, sufría una enfermedad hereditaria, y hasta ahora incurable, denominada beta-Talasemia major (anemia severa congénita), que condena a quienes la padecen a someterse a…
Via WSJ – A Baby, Please. Blond, Freckles — Hold the Colic
A Baby, Please. Blond, Freckles — Hold the Colic Laboratory Techniques That Screen for Diseases in Embryos Are Now Being Offered to Create Designer Children By GAUTAM NAIK Want a daughter with blond hair, green eyes and pale skin? A Los Angeles clinic says it will soon help couples select both gender and physical traits…
Baby designed to beat eye cancer curse that struck mum & gran By Alison Smith-Squire, 18/01/2009 LITTLE Beau’s peepers are gazing at you today after LOSING a deadly disease and making medical history. For the tot is the FIRST British baby guaranteed not to catch a CANCER curse that left his mum Belinda and gran…
Via 41 sources – Vatican forbids designer babies
I’m a siner? The 41 sources via Google News The document “Dignitas Personae” can be found here. Vatican affirms ‘dignity of human embryo’ 8 hours ago VATICAN CITY (AFP) — The Vatican on Friday reopened ethical questions surrounding stem cell research and techniques such as cloning with a document affirming the “dignity of the human…
NECN interview – CHB Orphan disease center
(Ally Donnelly, NECN: Boston, MA) – A Boston hospital has received a grant to establish the world’s first-ever center to study orphan diseases. An orphan disease is any disease or disorder affecting less than 200,000 people in the United States. Because the disorders affect so few, researchers have a difficult time getting government or private…
Vatican Not Keen on what we did – More news from Spain
A baby who was grown in order to donate umbilical cord blood to his brother was born last week in Spain, and it was widely reported in Spanish media. They are calling him “baby medicine”. I’ve seen 400+ media coverage articles about the story.I also received this report regarding Bishops from Spain from hat seems to be a catholic news…
Spanish Bishops Condemn Creation of “Savior Sibling”
Spanish Bishops Condemn Creation of “Savior Sibling,” Hand-picked for Optimal Genetic Material By Kathleen GilbertMADRID, Spain, October 22, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A baby who was grown in order to donate umbilical cord blood to his ailing brother was born last week, an event that was widely reported in Spanish media. The renewed publicity given to the case has sparked criticism…
Via UK Mail Online- Saskia and Imogen savior sibling
Girl in urgent need of bone marrow is saved by the sister born to help her liveBy Alison Smith Squire and Nick McDermott Last updated at 11:58 AM on 20th October 2008 Playing in the autumn leaves, Saskia Graham and her little sister Imogen look like any other happy, healthy youngsters. But only 18 months ago Saskia…
Via Servicio Andaluz de Salud
Nace en Andalucía el primer bebé libre de una enfermedad genética y compatible con su hermano, gravemente enfermoLa sangre de su cordón umbilical de Javier, el recién nacido, servirá para realizar el trasplante que necesita Andrés para superar una anemia congénita severaEl Hospital Virgen del Rocío de Sevilla ha acogido el nacimiento del primer bebé…