A reporter/writer recently contacted me and shared the stories she’s found about savior siblings. Here is the third one – Anissa & Marissa Ayala More Babies Being Born to Be Donors of Tissue By GINA KOLATA Published: June 4, 1991 At about 8 o’clock this morning, doctors at the City of Hope Medical Center in…
Savior Siblings – PGD
Savior Siblings Stories – Story 2
A reporter/writer recently contacted me and shared the stories she’s found about savior siblings. Here is the secon one – Fabian & Ivan Ravelo: With Faith and Science: Our Pre-Implantation Genetics Diagnosis Experience by Marina Ravelo (pedro and marino ravelo live in Chicago area) On November 26, 2005 the world welcomed Fabian Ravelo, who weighed…
Savior Siblings Stories – Story 1
A reporter/writer recently contacted me and shared the stories she’s found about savior siblings. Here is the first one – Isaac & Eunice Coutee: Baby Siblings, Medical Saviors / Oakland Hospital Takes on Clear- Cut Cases of Sick Older Kids By Janine DeFao Chronicle Staff Writer The San Francisco Chronicle 21 June 2005 Edna Coutt…
From Reuters – Genetic testing of embryo seen safe for offspring
Sofía is three years old and full of energy, we can see clearly that saving her brother’s life was only the beginning… Genetic testing of embryo seen safe for offspring By Anne Harding NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A new study provides “reassuring” evidence that babies born from in vitro fertilization with preimplantation genetic diagnosis…
Sweden approves embryo screening to save dying siblings
This via de AFP. STOCKHOLM, May 28, 2007 (AFP) – Swedish authorities have granted three families the right to screen embryos to create a child who can be a stem cell donor for a sibling with a deadly illness, officials said on Monday. The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare has approved the highly-controversial…
Pope speaks out against “designer babies” via Reuters
ROME (Reuters) – Pope Benedict on Saturday condemned genetic engineering and other scientific practices that allow people to select so-called “designer babies” by screening them for defects. In a speech to the Pontifical Academy for Life, a Church body of experts, the Pope also attacked artificial insemination and the widespread use of medical tests that…
Here is what some people in Japan think about PGD. Boost use of genetic diagnosis By RINA SHIBOI Tokyo Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a medical technology that checks whether the chromosomes and genes of fertilized eggs are defective. Today, even though there isn’t a particular law that prohibits PGD in Japan, it is strictly…
Shaping Babies via MIT Technology Review
MIT Technology Review interviewed a bioethicist at the Univ. of Pennsylvania who studies the ethical issues surrounding PGD. Shaping Babies The number of genetic tests that can be performed during in vitro fertilization is skyrocketing. What does this mean for human reproduction? …doctors, clinicians, and their ethical-review boards are called on to make complex ethical…
Dr. Mark Hughes – A honorable man
There was an article today at a United Kingdom newspaper regarding “designer babies”, also known as pre implatation genetic diagnosis (the procedure we used to find Sofia..). The title of the article: “Outcry as clinic offers ‘designer baby’ embryo screening for 200 diseases” By Jenny Hope Daily Mail I received an email with a link…
Preimplantation Genetic Haplotyping
PGD is now PGH New technique being used at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in England. PGH involves clinicians firstly amplifying the DNA from the single cell they have extracted from the embryo to replicate the cell’s genetic material by a million times. DNA finger printing is then used on the cells. This…