Last Thursday December 1st. Sofia & Andy received an invitation to the Season of Hope Tree Lighting event at Children’s Hospital Boston.
Thank you Children’s Hospital Boston!
There was a huge christmas tree in the lobby. The event was scheduled for 4:00 pm, we arrived there around 3:30 pm. It’s the first time that Andy wears a tie (green with colored frogs) and a suit. Sofia was wearing a beautiful dress and her new shoes.
“Papá, quiero ir a Six West!”, Andy told me as soon as got there.
Andy with Susana in Six West:
When we returned to the lobby from Six West we said hello to Bess Andrews who is the Director of Public Affairs. We also saw Michelle Davis [web page] the Vice President of Public Affairs and Marketing at Children’s.
Matt Cyr was not there because he was busy taking care of 30 Fingers and 30 Toes.
Michelle Davis introduced us to Dr. James Mandell [web page] President and CEO of Children’s Hospital Boston.
He’s the chief of the best hospital in the world for children!
And most importantly he’s the chief of the hospital that saved Andy’s life!
As expected, he’s a very nice person.
Here’s Dr. Mandell’s speech,
Welcome everyone, to the Children’s Hospital Boston “Season of Hope” celebration.
I am Jim Mandell, President and CEO of Children’s Hospital Boston.
We gather every year to begin the holiday season by lighting our tree in celebration of hope.
On a daily basis, our patients and their families inspire hope in all of us who work here and during this season especially, we take time to celebrate that hope.
I’m pleased to welcome Youth pro Musica who’ll be performing this afternoon.
Youth pro Musica’s singers hail from over thirty communities in and around Boston.
These talented children – ranging from grades 3 to 12, attend weekly rehearsals throughout their school year.
They’re an outstanding group and we’re thrilled they are with us for our tree lighting.
Each year, we ask one of our patients to help us celebrate by lighting the tree, and this year we’re lucky enough to have TWO young people to light the tree!
It is my pleasure to introduce you to the Trevino family, Andres and Paulina and their two wonderful children, Andy and Sofia.
Andy is a 6-year-old patient of Children’s Hospital Boston, and Sofia is his 19-month old sister. Andy and Sofia were recently on the cover of our own Dream Magazine. Sofia donated stem cells to help her brother’s immune system.
Andy has been a patient of Children’s for 5 years, and like many boys his age, he loves to play with other children. Since his transplant, Andy is finally able to go to sschool with other children. His interests are computer games, movies, and toy cars. Sofia is also a fun-loving child. She loves to run, climb, sing and dance.
We’re so happy to have you Andy and Sofia – to light our tree.
Are you ready to light the tree?
ONE — TWO — THREE [Tree lights on]
Great job!
Please everyone stay and enjoy refreshments and the lovely sounds of Youth pro Musica.
Thank you for coming, and have a wonderful holiday season.
In the middle of Dr. Mandell’s speech Andy got a little overwhelmed.
But a few moments latter he was happy again…Dr. Mandell told us not to worry, he knew about that from his grandchildren…
We saw lots of friends during the event, Kelli Cole, George R., Karen, Jillian, Melinda, Kendall and others.
And here are some pictures,