Today they insert a needle to a vein of the umbilical cord and let gravity do the job, blood flows through a small tube to a plastic bag. The problem is that only a small amount of blood (and stem cells) are collected. If they take long blood starts thickening or cuagulating and there’s also the risk of contamination from the mother’s blood or bacteria from the outside.
The amount we gathered from Sofia’s umbilical cord was not enough to treat Andy and he was 17 kg. at that time and believe me we were very carefull about extracting all the blood from the umbilical cord and placenta.
According to this article, Israelis have came up with a device that is supposed to collect more blood (and stem cells) from the umbilical cord and with no needles.
The half-millimeter needle that is inserted into the vein, which is several millimeters wide, simply can’t quickly and freely enough extract all the thickening blood.
Made mainly of polypropylene and latex, the SituGen comprises a holder which clamps around the umbilical cord, holding the cord in place as the placenta is delivered and absorbing the maternal blood so it doesn’t contaminate the baby’s cord blood. Attached to the holder through a sophisticated synchronization and sealing mechanism is a sterilization chamber into which the blood flows. A syringe is connected to the other end of the chamber which can be removed when full, emptied and then refilled.
The device:
Read the article here.
Me parece muy interesante, alguien tenia que salir con algo asi.
Cuantas cosas mas iran a inventar y tan rapido?
Me parece muy interesante, alguien tenia que salir con algo asi.
Cuantas cosas mas iran a inventar y tan rapido?
Me parece muy interesante, alguien tenia que salir con algo asi.
Cuantas cosas mas iran a inventar y tan rapido?
Me parece muy interesante, alguien tenia que salir con algo asi.
Cuantas cosas mas iran a inventar y tan rapido?