Matt Cyr from Children’s Hospital Boston Dream Magazine just published a “Then and Now” article about Andy & Sofia.
The online version or the article can be found here.
The fall isue of Dream Magazine is here.
Images and text:
On October 29, 2004, Andy Treviño received millions of tiny gifts from his then-7-month-old sister, Sofia. They were stem cells, pulled from her bone marrow in the hope of repairing Andy’s tattered immune system and curing his potentially fatal immune deficiency.
Andy’s journey was featured in last summer’s Dream magazine, and it’s been quite a year since. At first Andy couldn’t be around a lot of other people, but as his new immune system took hold, he began to venture out. First, a special classroom, with just him and his teacher. Then a Red Sox game, a trip to Disneyland and, finally, after more than 650 days in the hospital, Andy went to school in a regular classroom.
Today he loves physical education class, recess and just being around “regular kids” without the specter of doctors, nurses and medical procedures.
He went to birthday parties, had his own at a local gym where he and 20 other children played baseball, and had his first playdate with a girl from his class.
Andy’s father, Andrés, summed up best how their lives have changed since October 2004: “Now, instead of having to run to the emergency room, we run to soccer practice and tee ball games. It’s incredible to hear how everyone cheers for him. ‘He’s very good,’ one of the other parents told me, and I thought, ‘WOW, and he doesn’t know what he’s been through to be able to swing that bat!'”