I copied this from Giovanni’s dad progress notes:
When I entered Giovanni’s room I walked to his side and laid my cheek against his as he soundly slept softly breathing. As my cheek lay against his puffy cherib cheeks feeling his warmth I selfishly fed myself comfort from this touch me a mere weak mortal to his constant strength.
The first thing I saw this morning when I awoke a 4am was a bottle of scotch on my dresser and thought I should take a slug from it to dull my senses as Christina and I began our 100 mile journey to the side of Giovanni for the first day of the rest of his life.
This morning we were very worried about Giovanni and his declining condition. He’s now stable but no longer conscious or playful like yesterday. He’s slept most of the day, his body exhausted. His vitals have stabilized, but his oxygen levels are erratic.
A doctor came in late moring and told me they identified Giovanni’s infection: Citrobacter (Sit-row-back-tur)– Genus belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae.
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