I received the following message from Viacord yesterday:
“In the short time since you had your baby, there’s been a major breakthrough in cord blood banking.
Recently, ViaCell scientists discovered a new stem cell in umbilical cord blood called the Unrestricted Somatic Stem Cell (USSC), which holds enormous promise. Scientists at ViaCell Labs have demonstrated that these cells have the ability to develop into many different cells in animals, including brain, bone, cartilage, liver, heart and blood cells. Plus, this new stem cell can be multiplied to create literally billions of cells from a single umbilical cord. “
There are more than 40 thousand Viacord customers and only 12 have used the umbilical cord stem cells for a bone marrow transplant.
My questions and concerns are:
How do the Unrestricted Somatic Stem Cells help me today?
Are Unrestricted Somatic Stem Cells found on adults, or are they only available on cord blood?
Viacord banks my cells, but who will create the “brain, bone, cartilage, liver, heart and blood cells” for me?
What would happen if a major breakthrough is found and 80% of Viacord customers ask for their cells back?
The Viacord message continues:
“Shouldn’t all your expectant friends know about the power of cord blood? Provide us with the names of your expectant friends and we’ll send them an in-depth information packet so they can make an informed decision about preserving their baby’s cord blood. As a special thanks, we’ll send you a $100 U.S. Savings Bond for every friend who banks with Viacord. Extra Bonus: Right now, when you provide the name of someone who is pregnant, both you and your friend will be automatically entered for a chance to win a $1,000 shopping spree at the store of your choice.* Plus, you get an extra chance to win for each referral you provide. Make sure all your friends are aware of the life-saving potential of cord blood. It could become the most important information you ever share. “