Please say a prayer for Jack.
Jack had his first transplant a year ago. More about Jack’s story here and here.
This from Jack’s mom blog last Saturday:
He is still having breathing problems and is still on oxygen. This pneumonia is really kicking his butt. The doctors have been giving him doses of Albumin (protein) with Lasix (diuretic) chasers to help reduce the fluid in his lungs as well as any other place that he really doesn’t need it. By mid week we found out that the peumonia is not bacteria but virual and was identified as Para Influenza, The FLU!!!! Not for anything, but when Jack gets something he has to get it good. It’s been a little scarey at times watching his respitory counts (breaths per minute). Normal respitory rate is about 20 breaths per minute and Jack has been as high as 80 which is not good.
And this is from Jack’s Mom blog yesterday:
Roy and I are asking once again for everyone to keep Jack in their prayers and to even say an extra one. Yesterday marked a year from the first transplant and unfortunately he was moved into the Intensive Care Unit for assistance in breathing. We are praying very hard for God’s healing touch and to give us all strength.