Simon’s Mom asks for prayers.
It is with a heavy heart that I write this and ask that everyone get down on your knees tonight and pray for Simon. After a grueling day of phone and e mail communications I just found out that our doctors are afraid that all of what Simon is going through could be life threatening. They are concerned that at this stage in transplant the diarrhea has surfaced and nothing is helping. They are communicating with Dr. Orange who had a similar situation and everyone is very concerned. I ask that you please pray that Simon scope shows us something we can treat and he starts to get better. That his tummy aches and diarrhea go away and he can recover and heal 100%. Losing him is not an option, its just not. I know this must seem dramatic but after my conversation an hour ago this is the concern so please pray for him truly with your heart ask specifically to heal simons gut and make him well. God Bless
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