Clinic in US isolates 50 lines of stem cells, by Gareth Cook, Globe Staff , June 9, 2004.
Gareth Cook said,
“A private Chicago fertility clinic is set to announce this week that its scientists have isolated 50 new lines of human embryonic stem cells, part of an ambitious effort to create specialized colonies of cells that could help uncover cures for muscular dystrophy and other genetic diseases.”
We decided not to donate embryonic stem cells to RGI, because first of all they did not do the IVF procedure, we did that here in Boston, and also because we didn’t have details about their research.
I wish we could find more people with a NEMO mutation. This would bring more people thinking about options for a cure.
The article continues,
“Critics have said that the destruction of embryos to create stem cells amounts to the taking of human lives, and on Aug. 9, 2001, Bush said the government would fund research only on human embryonic stem-cell lines that had already been created…. Verlinsky said he intends to make all the cell lines created at the institute available to other researchers……a Globe survey found that 128 cell lines had been created since the Bush ban on working with new cell lines. “
In the near future stem cells will give medicine in general a very important boost. Doctors will be able to give their patients new options to cure diseases and fix disabilities. I guess that anyone taking care of any other currently or in the past that suffers a terminal disease will agree that stem cell research is urgently needed. I think that what Mr. Bush is saying is that the US goverment is not providing funds for stem cell research. And from what I understand any private laboratory can do stem cell research with their own money. Its not a crime!