Heavy rains and windy conditions on race day..
This message from the Boston Athletic Association:
Wednesday, April 11 – As the Boston Athletic Association continues to make preparations for Monday’s Boston Marathon, we are monitoring the upcoming weather conditions forecast for this area. Based on the National Weather Service’s most recent report and in cooperation with the Executive Office of Public Safety (Commonwealth of Massachusetts) and the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, together with the eight cities and towns along the 26.2-mile marathon route, we are planning for likely heavy rain and windy conditions on race day. However, all race day plans remain the same. The Boston Athletic Association advises participants in Monday’s race to plan accordingly for their run, bringing with them gear and apparel to suit the conditions. The B.A.A. will continue to update its web site as necessary.
This message from my coach Annie Craddock:
It’s still to early to discuss this, as the weather may change by
Monday, but I know you have all heard about the impending rain for the Marathon. DON’T PANIC!
Some things to think about:
You are going to get wet. No doubt about it. If you dress properly, you can have as successful a race as if it were dry. You shouldn’t run in cotton anyway, but absolutely do not plan to
wear cotton in the rain. It will get wet, make you cold and weigh you down. If it’s rainy and 40 degrees, you’ll probably want to wear something on your legs. Not to be repetitive…but no cotton. You may want to wear a lightweight hat to keep the rain out of your eyes. Your feet will swell and will look like you’ve been in the tub too long by the time you’re done. You’ll want to cover them in Body Glide, aquaphor or vaseline (or any similar product)to protect them from the water and prevent blisters. Just slather the stuff on and put your socks over it and then your sneaks. Feels funny, but you’ll get used to it.
You may want to wear a lightweight jacket to protect you from the water, but be sure it’s breathable so that you don’t overheat. Some folks will want to change their shoes and socks midway, but your chip will be attached, so that won’t work. If you change your socks,
they’re jsut going to get wet again. Even though you are going to be all wet, you will still need to take in plenty of fluids! Don’t forget to drink, and if you miss a water stop, just open your mouth and take a drink. Everyone else is in the same boat, so don’t worry! It’s not as bad
as you think. This will be an amazing experience either way, you’ll just have some better stories to share.