The tree lighting event was featured on page number one of Children’s News.
The article says,
Children’s Hospital Boston’s Main Lobby was filled with singing and holiday cheer at the annual Season of Hope concert and tree lighting on Thursday, Dec. 1. This year’s tree lighters, patient Andy Trevino and his sister, Sofia, were warmly welcomed by Children’s President and CEO James Mandell, MD, while patients, families and employees enjoyed cookies, eggnog and the rousing vocals of Youth pro Musica, a Boston area youth chorus. Andy and Sofia were featured in an article in the summer 2005 issue of Dream magazine. Visit DreamSummer05 to read their amazing story.
Warm welcome indeed!
We’ve always had warm welcomes at Children’s Hospital Boston! Since the first moment we arrived there, directly to the ER in September 11th. 2000.
Here’s an scanned image of the publication:
And there’s also an online version of the publication:
Visit the online version here.
Children’s News is published monthly by the Department of Public Affairs for Children’s Hospital Boston employees, staff, volunteers and visitors.