“Allen is someone making the world better for seriously ill children. This started when our son, Henry, came into the world in 1995. Henry brought with him a winning smile, a zest for life, and a rare disease, Fanconi Anemia (FA). Allen then became a one-man make-a-wish foundation, arranging visits for Henry with his heroes, including Batman, Cal Ripken, and President Clinton. Henry died on December 11, 2002. Afterwards, Allen and I were determined to make life better for those kids, like Henry, who faced prolonged hospitalization. In 2003, we started the Hope for Henry Foundation ( Recognizing the therapeutic effects of smiles and laughter, HFH gives kids undergoing bone marrow transplants and chemotherapy their choice of the latest iPods, DVD players, XM radios, and PSPs. We’ve given more than 700 pediatric patients these state-of-the-art gifts and are expanding our programs to more hospitals across the country. The message is clear: You are going to get better. This cool gift is yours for the long-term. Allen also blogs about his experience as a father coping with the loss of a child. Strangers who happen upon the blog tell him reading it provides comfort and helps them be a better parent.”
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